It is funny how things turn around, and it’s always at the point where you realized right were you where before is where you want to be. But then, guess it’s too late now for regrets. All you can do is face it and deal with it coz’ things change constantly and time is the only thing you can never get back.

I come face to face with a reality…

Transition between “Reality Is Hidden In Our Heart’s Desire” and a “Reality Check”, it is similar somehow in ways that I, myself, believe it is comparable. Except I was wrong…

I have been through a lot, as much as other people does, we all have our own story to tell. And if you would ask me to narrate my story…

It has been blank since then when I decided to leave all the chapters of my life…

Let me guess, you’d read this and you’ll say I am “emo” but no, I wasn’t being or anything close to that. To all the people I’ve left and forget along the way, I guess I need to live my life alone and be able to face the fears that kept me in the shadows. I thought it was something I have to do; nevertheless I just completely let myself forget and be forgotten.

This not about love, not about specific someone, not about you actually.

This is about me. :)

Well… “It’s never ending, all the memories and yesterday years we’ve been through together. It’s never easy, done it all to get away from all the things that reminds me of you…” as the song goes…

I still get to keep those memories… So I thank you guys! Muwaaah! <3


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